Know Your Client (KYC)

With a view to bring uniformity in the KYC requirements for the securities markets, SEBI has initiated usage of uniform KYC by all SEBI registered intermediaries. In this regard, SEBI has issued the SEBI {KYC (Know Your Client) Registration Agency (KRA)} Regulations, 2011.

KRA provides for centralization of the KYC records in the securities market. The client who is desirous of opening an account/trade/deal with the SEBI registered intermediary shall submit the KYC details through the KYC registration form and supporting documents.

The intermediary shall perform the initial KYC and upload the details on the system of the KRA. This KYC information can be accessed by all the SEBI Registered Intermediaries while dealing with the same client. As a result, once KYC is completed through a SEBI registered intermediary (e.g. broker, DP, Mutual Funds etc.), you need not undergo the same process again when you approach another intermediaries.

Upon availing or agreeing to avail our services, Client provides their explicit consent to us for fetching their KYC details from regulated Central KYC Registry in order to comply with regulatory requirement. In order to facilitate the same, client agree to share their Permanent Account Number (PAN) or any other detail, as may be required.

In case the client is not registered with KRA, we would facilitate our client to get KYC compliant. Client agree to share all details or documents as necessary for getting KYC compliant.

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